
Om mig

Information om udvikleren
Navn AHiLdesigns
Stilling Conceptual Design Artist
Hjemmeside http://JesseLax.deviantart.com/
Bruger siden aug. 7, 2008
Antal udviklede tilføjelser 2 temaer
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse af udviklerens tilføjelser Ikke bedømt endnu

Lidt flere detaljer...

Art. Harmony. Imagination. Life.

If you're in love with Desktop Art, you've probably already used my work. In fact, even if you're not... the odds are that you still have.

From just before 2008 to today, I've built a plethora of work. Several have been of the most stolen and redistributed (without credit) on the Internet. While this doesn't make me proud, I hope it speaks of the quality of my work.

Apart from wallpapers, the breadth of my talent is in Conceptual Design Art. This means I work successfully in wide range Art and Design mediums, with a focus on concept and forward thinking, rather than simply supplying a demand.

Currently: Creative Director for Kwaai Software.

Don't miss out. Find my work... or find me for work.

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Temaer jeg har lavet

Mine anmeldelser

Tiny Menu

Bedømmelse: 5 ud af 5 stjerner

I've been using Tiny Menu for quite some time, and I've been completely satisfied with the addon. It's entirely convenient for space saving and I love adding a bit of a personal touch to my browser. thank you!

Denne anmeldelse er af en tidligere version af tilføjelsen (2.0.2). 

Copy Plain Text

Bedømmelse: 1 ud af 5 stjerner

This was an awesome addon. No longer supported. For those of you looking for this functionality, I recommend you use "Extended Copy Menu". Has this feature and more.
