Historie verzí doplňku ConfirmConversionsAtSelecting

4 verze

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Verze 2.1 16.1 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 - 102.*

At selecting a thread, browserAction popup window is opened automatically.
For the above action,
1) I added listener to thread tree last child in implementation.js.
2) I added listener to browser on activation of any tab in background.js.

June 20th 2021.

From Sungho Hwang.

Verze 1.9 16.0 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 - 102.*

Version 1.9

This version is to open browserAction popup window automatically.
I added async function at click event listener of thread tree last child to await recognition of thread tree.

April 23rd 2021.

From Sungho Hwang.

Verze 1.6 16.0 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 - 102.*

Version 1.6.

I fixed browserAction popup window to open it automatically using typeof and changing thread tree name uniquely.

April 1st 2021.

From Sungho Hwang.

Verze 1.3 16.1 KiB Podporuje Thunderbird 78.0 - 102.*

Version. 1.3.

1) This add-on is to Confirm conversions of e-mail to event and task at selecting thread tree children and save them.

March 30th 2021.

From Sungho Hwang.