Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček

Works again as intended.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (4.0.6). 

Ohodnoceno 2 z 5 hvězdiček

I was not able to reply to the reply to my last post, so:
In the "Signal Spam extension settings" all checkboxes green - does not work.
Disabled "Report in one click" - it works. The report is in the history.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (4.0.4). 

OK, we'll check that.
You can still join us at [email protected]

Checked... everything works fine on our side.
I can't see any reason why it would not in your case.
I guess you checked the extension is up to date?
On what Operating System are you running?

Ohodnoceno 2 z 5 hvězdiček

Thunderbird 78.5.0 64-bit
When I click the toolbar button on a spam mail I get this response:
The credentials are correct, I can login with them on the website https://signalants.signal-spam.fr/login
Checking for the history at https://signalants.signal-spam.fr/reportings I see that no report was transmitted since Nov 5, 2020.

Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (4.0.4). 

And what is displayed in the extension settings (options) page?
Credentials are correct there also?