Vítejte na serveru Doplňky pro SeaMonkey.
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ZavřítGaiaFormat 0.7.20101117
Licence zdrojového kódu
Sirius Cybernetics Corporation Complaints Division Motto
Share and Enjoy, Share and Enjoy,
Journey through life with a plastic boy
Or girl by your side, let your pal be your guide,
And when it breaks down or starts to annoy,
Or grinds when it moves and gives you no joy
Cos it's eaten your hat or had sex with your cat,
Bled oil on your floor or ripped off your door,
And you get to the point you can't stand any more,
Bring it to us, we won't give a fig.
We'll tell you 'Go stick your head in a Pig'
(This code is in the public domain. No ownership is implied.)
Pro založení své vlastní sbírky musíte mít účet na serveru Doplňky Mozilly.