Les extensions més ben valorades



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3 usuaris

Purple Praline

A purple theme for Thunderbird

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16 usuaris

Game of Thrones winter Stark

Wolf House Stark. Game of Thrones, winter is coming.

You liked this theme see other themes that I did you will love. Access the link below.
Link:https://addons.mozilla.org/pt-BR/firefox/user/leandro_CE/?src=addon-detailLobo da casa Stark.Game of Thr...

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200 usuaris

Misas México Tema

Tema para thunderbird de Misas en México

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38 usuaris

Clean and Professional

Clean and polished theme for Thunderbird and Firefox.

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162 usuaris

Shy kitten

A very sweet animal.

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3 usuaris

Illidan World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft Illidan the Burning Crusade Wrath of the lick king

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4 usuaris

Tokyo Night

A nice dark theme for Thunderbird based on Enkia's Tokyo Night theme for VIsual Studio Code.

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135 usuaris

Dark + Pink

I made it with Firefox color and just added stuff to the manifest to make it valid.

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21 usuaris

Dark theme for Firefox

A dark Firefox theme for your web browser. It's simple and coherent.

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74 usuaris


Thunderbird 78 以降用に使えるテーマを練習用に作ってみました。
Very simple theme, which uses only public domain illustrations.

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56 usuaris

Polski błękit

Motyw by QLIN

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6 usuaris

Polish blue 1.0

Motyw by QLIN

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3 usuaris

Shop Khởi Nghiệp Theme 1

Theme Designed by Shop Khoi Nghiep

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2 usuaris

Gelbe Blumen

ein sehr gelbes Thema für Thunderbird

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40 usuaris

Rustic Wood

Rustic Wood.

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32 usuaris

Verdurous Darker

A dark, forest theme.

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25 usuaris

Solarized light Theme ternoc

Solarized theme created by ternoc, based on Ethan Schoonover palette.

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150 usuaris

Phuong Nam Cons

Light theme with some gradients.
Phuong Nam Cons

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7 usuaris

Thunderbird Daily Suave

Based on the "Thunderbird Suave" theme by aramaicus.

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38 usuaris