Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I can ask in ordinary terms not in technical

Rated 5 out of 5 stars


Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I've always loved this search engine and it's the only one I'll use.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Have used for years, I can type in what I would speak and get good answers.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Don't get the Terrible Askdotcom extension for firefox, it is the Ask Toolbar, it makes the internet slow and delivers poor content. This is bundled with Malware and it installs the Ask Toolabar without your permission, don't!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I Started using Ask Jeeves about 15 years ago. I have stayed with Ask since then. This search engine is fast and produces good results. Ask is for superior to either Google or Bing. Most, if not all of the negative comments or from people that, either don't know what they or doing, or else they don't pay attention when they or downloading some other program. This is not the ask toolbar, repeat not the ask toolbar. It is just the search engine. Pay attention to what you are doing when you download anything onto your computer. ProPhotog implies that anyone who gives this search engine a good rating, is either employed or paid by Ask.com. I am neither. I would suggest he sticks with photography. Hopefully he knows more about that subject than he does about search engines, and how to download and install new programs on his computer. Dannie

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Ask.com delivers poor search results because they give results based on PAID advertisers first, not best results. They are notorious browser hijackers and the bane of many a PC tech. Beware all the fake 5 star reviews for this garbage. Avoid!!

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

As a search engine Ask.com is fast, no frills, tweets buzzes or surprises and its reliable much more so then any other out there. I've used it for over a year and its pretty good to the point its become my default..

This is NOT the ask toolbar nor will it load it into your system. Nor do I recommend that (let alone any other toolbar, which will ONLY slow down your browsers.)

You can download with confidence. There are no hidden surprises its just the search engine.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I am perpetually amazed at those that think this adds the "ask toolbar"


This simply adds a new choice in the available search engines.

If you got the ASK Toolbar, you got it from some place else (most likely the default install of java)

Aquest usuari ha fet un comentari abans a aquest complement.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I keep having to remove this nasty add-on from a good friends computer. It's a really pernicious program and deserves a 0 star rating, pity that option wasn't available... Avoid!

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Whether the messages below are malintentional trolling or there has really been some problem, at present there seems to be no problem with this add-on.

I think this is an OK alternative to the search engines of big corporations (Google, Microsoft).

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I made an account just to warn people about this terrible toolbar. It will be difficult to remove and it will hijack your browser. Your computer will not blow up but it will infect your computer and be hard to remove if your not experienced or don't Google search it. Its an adware, malware company that is riding the coattails of askjeaves that had nothing going for it other than advertising and a poor search engine avoid installing and good luck removing. All the reviews that are not one or two stars are people paid by ask.com or people that work for them, no one in their right mind would recommend this to a friend. Ask is not bad if your are ask, but that's like saying a parasitic infection isn't bad for the parasite. Ask is a browser hijacker and very parasitic to the internet community, its search results are nothing but gibberish and never contain what I am looking for unless im looking for malware, spyware, adware, a virus, or if I want a terrible search engine experience. ask.com exists only to make askholes and advertisers money it serves no useful purpose to the online community.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

.... it should be considered as malware.
It installs itself with plenty of programs as default option checked. Instead of allowing the user to check it if they want instead of forcing it on users which go too fast or are ignorant.
Each time i go to friends and family which have not so much computer knowledge i need to install ask.com toolbar.
It uses resources for nothing since it search engine is extremely bad.
I almost never finds what you look for.
Those million users they claim to have are people which didn't watch out enough and got it pushed on.
A good tool would not be per default checked on installation but allow users to check it only if they want. People would look for it. Until now i have yet to find someone I know which actually wanted the ask.com toolbar.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I installed a freeware program called "Format Factory" last night. During the install, it asked me if I wanted to install the Ask.com toolbar; obviously I opted out. This morning, I opened Firefox and got a message that another program was attempting to install the Ask.com add-on...

After I got rid of that, I fired up Revo Uninstaller, and lo and behold, Ask.com was now installed on my machine. Thanks, jerks. It's good to know that your product is so terrible that you cannot get it onto computers without using underhanded means. I would rate this add-on 0 stars if I could.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Some people are just weird. I downloaded it so I could add it as an option to my search bar within FireFox. And guess what, that's all it did! All these 1 star reviews had me puzzled, so I searched again and made sure this really was the official ask.com add-on. It is. Some way, some how, my computer did not blow up. This is the one you're looking for and I don't see why your computer would do anything different than mine. Crazy, I'm telling you.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

ask.com took over my browser's home page and default search engine, redirected my bookmarks, and wouldn't go away even when I deleted it from my registry. But don't just take my word for it:



DO NOT INFECT YOUR COMPUTER WITH ASK.COM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Do not download or install this piece of crap. I wasted 15 minutes trying to get this shit out of my parent's laptop. If you happen to have it installed: you'll need to reset all the keys with "ask.com" value in about:config, then restart browser and run MalwareBytes scan.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This add-on is not spam! For the people that think it is spam are malware your machine has a problem and it is not ask. Also, Ask will not download if you don't want it. Watch what your doing. Ask is one of the best search engines out there, it out performs google.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Supports malware and doesn't compare to Google.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

This will take over Firefox and the only way to get rid of it is by resetting the browser.