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10 recenzí tohoto doplňku
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In the screenshots, the background of the panels is #BFBFBF, but after applying the theme, the background of the application panels became #FFFFFF. It's a pity because I was looking for the darkest flat theme possible.
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Отличная тема.Спасибо!!!)))
Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.1.1).Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
It's beautiful like old theme netscape. Thank you :-)
Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.1.1).Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
Nostalgie quand tu nous tiens ! Ayant utilisé Netscape quasiment depuis la 1ère heure, ça nous ramène 15 ans en arrière ! :-D
Pour l'instant, pas de points faibles constatés. Bravo !
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Superb theme! Great work! cybrchrst pretty much sums up my thoughts. But please keep the mozilla throbber. For me, I was a big fan of the Mozilla 1.x series and its quite nostalgic and preferred. Please keep the mozilla throbber going forward. A different theme, Classic Default (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/seamonkey/addon/classic-default/) has the seamonkey throbber for those interested. I have not found another theme with the mozilla throbber, so i find this quite unique and in my case, prefered. Thank you kriukov for your time and efforts!
Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.1.1).Ohodnoceno 4 z 5 hvězdiček
I've been waiting for this theme for a long time. I uses classic default theme until now, having several problems in recent versions.
Could you please make a Seamonkey logo available for the navigation bar.
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it's a great theme but can you please update it for seamonkey
Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.1.1).Ohodnoceno 3 z 5 hvězdiček
There is animated Mozilla throbber?
Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.1). Tento uživatel má jednu dřívější recenzi tohoto doplňku.Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
Looks exactly the same as the old skewl Netscape Communicator + the trobber changed. Just you get tabs with seamonkey! I'm so luv'n this. I'd like to see a theme based off Netscape Navigator Gold! I'd use that instead, that really brings back memories when I was first getting into computers as a teenager.
Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.1).Ohodnoceno 5 z 5 hvězdiček
Works great, and nice to have the old Netscape theme once again.
Tato recenze je pro předchozí verzi doplňku (0.1).Pro založení své vlastní sbírky musíte mít účet na serveru Doplňky Mozilly.