Historie verzí doplňku Perfect View

4 verze

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Verze 6.6 53.7 KiB Podporuje Firefox 35.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - *, Thunderbird 35.0 - 56.0

FIX: The panel again uses native scrolling in order to restore touch device compatibility.
FIX: A sound is again played after saving when this option is selected; no erroneous error message is shown any more.

Verze 6.5 53.6 KiB Podporuje Firefox 35.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - *, Thunderbird 35.0 - 52.0

FEATURE: A contrast color is now used in the panel to distinguish all clickable elements.
FEATURE: The PaleMoon and SeaMonkey applications are now supported.
FEATURE: The toolbar button now also gets appended to the ThunderBird application.

Verze 6.3 53.0 KiB Podporuje Firefox 35.0 - 56.*, Thunderbird 35.0 - 52.0

FEATURE: The panel is now sizable and the panel content accessibility was improved for touch screens.
FEATURE: The panel is now non-auto-hiding by default and is less opaque when the containing window is inactive.
FIX: The line width of the element selector is now independent of the zoom factor.
FIX: The element selector now jumps out of iframes on right-click.
FIX: The MozScrolledAreaChanged event is no more used for the element selector to prevent potential infinite loops.
FIX: The deprecated DOMMouseScroll event was replaced by the wheel event.
FIX: The panel now appears at the cursor again, independent of chrome & content zoom ratios.
FIX: Quickly opening many Firefox windows no more leads to initialization failure.
FIX: The extension links in the panel footer now also work in Thunderbird.

Verze 6.2 46.7 KiB Podporuje Firefox 35.0 - 56.*, Thunderbird 35.0 - 52.0

FEATURE: Multiple optional context menu items were added to the context menu's for content and tabs.
FEATURE: An xhtml file is now created in the main profile folder to enable the loading of local images.
FIX: The full screen mode is now again the browser full screen mode, now that the full-screen-api is broken.
FIX: Start-up is now more reliable, for example when quickly opening multiple windows.
FIX: Context menu items are now created when the context menu is shown for the first time (this prevents breaking of XUL overlays).
FIX: The panel background was made transparent to prevent a paint bug with 100% CPU upon resize.
FIX: The element selector was made more robust by setting a high z-index on the top element as well.
FIX: The element selector no more fails when clicking outside of the body element.
FIX: Animation is now stopped only after both speed and acceleration have decayed.
FIX: The outdated extension preferences branch is now removed directly after upgrading (and no more after uninstallation).
FIX: The menu item's CSS icon was changed to prevent a paint error which was probably due to the use of a border-radius.