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FLST (Firefox 4+) 1.2.2 Vyžaduje restart
od fabianswebworld
Provides Focus Last Selected Tab and Tab flipping functionality (based on the FLST extensions by Gorgias and Gozer, but ported to Firefox 4/.../56 and repaired Tab flipping functionality). Enjoy!
O doplňku
Note that this Add-on is NOT compatible with Firefox 57 and higher, and also probably will never be. This is due to limitations of Mozilla's new WebExtensions API, which doesn't provide any means to interact with events on the tab bar itself. As of November 2017, outcome of all discussions in Mozilla's Bug tracker (see Bug #1246706) seems to be that this won't be fixed/implemented later. I am truly sorry, but please blame Mozilla for any inconvenience you might experience due to the fact that FLST will not continue to work in Firefox 57+.
1. Quick Start Guide - read this if you just want to learn how to use this add-on
This Add-On does the following three things:
- If you close a tab, the previously selected one will be selected. This is known as "Focus last selected tab".
- If you click the currently selected tab, it will be "sent to back" and the previously selected one will be selected. This is known as "Tab flipping" and provides a handy way to go back and forth between two tabs by simply clicking one of the tabs again and again, without having to move the mouse (alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + .).
- If you do a middle-click (i.e. mousewheel click) on an empty area in your tab bar, the most recently closed tab will be reopened. This is known as "Restore recently closed tab".
Enjoy the features (which go very well together as I think) of this add-on! I'm always happy to receive reviews or comments!
2. Some background details... - you don't really need to read this...
Back in Firefox 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, and 3.6 times I always enjoyed the simple yet effective add-on "Focus Last Selected Tab" (a.k.a. FLST). With the advent of Firefox 4, this stopped working and also a simple maxVersion bump didn't help.
There was a FF4+ compatible version by Gozer, but it lacked the Tab flipping functionality.
So essentially what I did was adding this functionality to Gozer's plugin, applying some other minor code changes and moreover changing the action for middle click on tab bar to "Restore recently closed tab".
I find this much more useful than simply opening a new tab, which can be done by the appropriate button or double-click on the tab bar. Actually, I used to have an add-on called "Tab Clicking Options" do this for me, but unfortunately, this stopped working as well. So I added this functionality too. I hope you enjoy it.
This add-on has been tested with all Firefox versions starting from 4 up to 56, under Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Linux and Mac OS X, on both 32 bit and 64 bit systems.
Note that this Add-on is NOT compatible with Firefox 57 and higher, and also probably will never be. This is due to limitations of Mozilla's new WebExtensions API, which doesn't provide any means to interact with events on the tab bar itself. As of November 2017, outcome of all discussions in Mozilla's Bug tracker (see Bug #1246706) seems to be that this won't be fixed/implemented later. I am truly sorry, but please blame Mozilla for any inconvenience you might experience due to the fact that FLST will not continue to work in Firefox 57+.