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Информация за разработчика
Име red-fire
Потребител от Май 6, 2019
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Мои отзиви


Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

Works great!!!
Got hung up when imprting a "really large" folder+subfolders, but that is okay. Just did it piecemeal. No problems.
Feedback for developer:
When Windows Live Mail exports eml files it stores a wlmail.fol file in each folder. Would recommend that the add-on reads this wlmail.fol (binary file containing actual folder name) to set the folder name instead of using the WLM-truncated folder name. I wrote a little perl script to rename the folders based on the wlmail.fol files. Would be nice if ImportExportTools supported this natively.
Donated... Appreciate having the tool.