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За мен

Информация за разработчика
Име Mathias
Потребител от Окт. 14, 2014
Брой добавки 0 добавки
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Мои отзиви


Оценена с 4 от 5 звезди

Very useful. The original Thunderbird should behave like this. But deleting or stripping attachments does not work with CompactHeader activated. Please fix it!

MinimizeToTray revived

Оценена с 4 от 5 звезди

adds an important feature to tb. I'm using it since many years, it works now in 31.8.0 esr. But in the past there was a 'write new mail' command in the right-click menu that I'm really missing now. An other issue: when you have a second tb window accidentally you cannot close it permanently without deactivating this addon.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката ( 

Provider for Google Calendar

Оценена с 3 от 5 звезди

Geht nicht mehr. (Tb, Lightning, Windows je neuste Version). Kalender nach löschen neu anlegen geht auch nicht mehr. Hat bis Version 0.3x klaglos seinen Dienst versehen, Dank an die Entwickler. Nachdem v1.0 nicht funktionierte hätte ich erwartet, dass v1.01 vor Veröffentlichung besser getestet würde. Bin zu v0.32 zurück gewechselt.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (1.0.1).