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Firefox user e78e44

За мен

Информация за разработчика
Име Firefox user e78e44
Потребител от Авг. 2, 2019
Брой добавки 0 добавки
Средна оценка на добавките Без оценка

Мои отзиви


Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

I do not know for how many years I have been a loyal user of Thunderbird. Due to compatibility, I have to use MS windows. But I try to avoid as many parts of the Bill Gates group.

I admire all those who want to invest so much time to add add-ons to a standard product. And more important .... to maintain it over the years. I was shocked that the basic code of TB is being adjusted to a large extent. And that it even takes you months of work to keep SmartTemplate compatible. This add-on is a very valuable addition to TB for me.

If someone does something special for me, he or she usually doesn't ask for a reward. Nevertheless, I would like to give a small gift for that. I therefore have no problem with those 5 bucks. But what is Marky Mark's contribution to this add-on?

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (2.1).