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За мен

Информация за разработчика
Име Steve
Потребител от Април 23, 2012
Брой добавки 0 добавки
Средна оценка на добавките Без оценка

Мои отзиви


Оценена с 5 от 5 звезди

I used to have a notepad page that listed all my passwords, not very secure & there were so many it took ages to find the right one. Life is so much easier now with Quick Passwords - a few seconds & I'm logging in. I'd be lost without it now, quick easy & secure - what more do you need? Highly recommended.

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (3.7.2).  Потребителят има предишен отзив към добавката.


Оценена с 4 от 5 звезди

Very handy add-on. Only problem is that I'm finding more "no valid log-in form found", not only on new sites but some of my old ones too. Despite that, I have come to rely on this add-on as my spare brain - no way I can remember all those passwords. I found that with the "no valid form" ones I can "copy and paste" the web address then fill out the rest manually - it's like a little pop-up notebook for each individual log-in page..

Това е отзив за предно издание на добавката (3.4.1-signed).