Matthew L.

معلومات عنّي

معلومات المطور
الاسم Matthew L.
مُستخدم منذ مارس 5, 2007
عدد الإضافات التي طورتها 0 إضافة/إضافات
معدّل التقييم من مطوري الإضافات بلا تقييم حتى الآن



مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

This is an invaluable extension. I can't live without this thing. I hope it is updated for Firefox 3 soon... :(


مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

This is a great extension. I just hope it is updated for Firefox 3 soon... Thanks.

Annotate Any Webpage

مقيمة بـ 2 من 5 نجوم

This is kind of neat, but the note should appear on hover, not in a blocky UI element that takes up valuable screen real estate...

Minimap Sidebar

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

This is a very nice extension. The only thing I don't like and maybe it will be changed in a future version, is that it should have the option to automatically set the width of the sidebar on open (And reset it at close). The default is very wide, and causes all sidebars to be very wide, which is annoying...

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.2.6) 


مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

This is a cool extension. I hope a version is released soon that supports Firefox 3.0? Maybe also a button that can close out the page and just bring up the password page? This would be really cool.


مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

This is a great extension. I hope this gets updated to support Firefox 3.0 soon... :(


مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

This is a tremendously useful extension. This should be integrated into Firefox to be honest. It is just that great. A necessity. I hope an update for Firefox 3.0 will be released soon, because I don't know how I can live without it... lol

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.6.73) 


مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

This is a very helpful extension, but it takes up a lot of screen real estate. I would much prefer the option of having the extension in one button with a drop down (Similar to how Thunderbird 2.0's Tags button works), so that I could have access to all of the settings without it taking up so much space. Perhaps the default when you click on the button would be to zoom in (As that appears to be the most common task). Great extension otherwise, I highly recommend it.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (2.1)