Meer oor my
Naam | dafizilla |
Ligging | palermo, ITALY |
Beroep | senior programmer |
Tuisblad | http://dafizilla.sourceforge.net/ |
Gebruiker sedert | Maart 5, 2007 |
Aantal byvoegings ontwikkel | 1 byvoeging |
Gemiddelde gradering van ontwikkelaar se byvoegings | Rated 5 out of 5 stars |
Byvoegings wat ek gemaak het
Dafizilla Table2Clipboard
Requires Restart
Mozilla applications allow to select rows and columns from a table simply pressing Control key and picking rows/columns with left mouse button.
The selection can be copied to clipboard but the original table disposition is lost making ugly results wh...
My resensies
Dafizilla Table2Clipboard
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
@Vednier FF3 doen't make same things
For example doesn't remove cells with 'display' atribute set to 'none'
Om eie versamelings te bou, is 'n Mozilla-byvoegingsrekening nodig.