WebPG for Mozilla se weergawegeskiedenis

4 versions

Wees versigtig met die ou weergawes!

Hierdie weergawes word net vir verwysing en toetsdoeleindes gewys. Gebruik altyd die jongste weergawe van 'n byvoeging.

Weergawe 3.4 MiB Werk met Firefox 13.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.16a1, Thunderbird 13.0 - 18.0a1

Changes for v0.9.2

* Added support for named groups
* Added search ability to Encrypt-to key dialog
* Added review dialog for import of public keys
* Improved GMAIL compose integration
* Added support for new GMAIL compose window (for in4mer, enjoy!)
* Added WebPG action menu to text-area fields [BETA]
* Fixed Firefox options dialog sizing and decoration
* Added ability to publish keys to defined key-server
* Added ability to retrieve keys from defined key-server
* Added Email and UID aliases to Encrypt-to dialog
* Minor bug fix to key expiration dialog
* Moved to webpg-npapi v0.6.3

Weergawe 3.2 MiB Werk met Firefox 13.0 - 18.*, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.16a1, Thunderbird 13.0 - 18.0a1

* Changed escape method to shorter override
* Escaped occurrences of dynamic content
* Escaped scripts from inline content
* Converted remaining strings to i18n; closes #3
* Added ability to specify the gpg homedir and binary
* Added handling of right-to-left language formatting
* Fixed configuration helper and added subjects
* Added gpgAuth trust calculation for future implementation
* Added methods to detect language and text-direction
* Moved to webpg-npapi v0.6.2
* Updated Firefox version support in install.rdf; issue #6

Weergawe 2.9 MiB Werk met Firefox 13.0 - 18.0a1, Thunderbird 13.0 - 18.0a1

Changes for v0.8.8

* Fixed gmail integration not loading
* Fixed Send Button override for gmail integration; closes #62;
* Fixed issue that made it impossible to sign a UID in the search results; closes #63
* Added user preference to sign outgoing email in gmail by default; closes #64
* Improved load time and removed un-needed gmail_integration checks
* Added very basic and unfriendly thunderbird support (sign only)
* Changed utility method webpg.utils.onRequest to webpg.utils._onRequest to in order to pass validation for addons.mozilla.org, which erroneously detects this as a handleEvent call, not a user defined method. Lame.

Changes for v0.8.7

* Replaced jQuery reference from $() to jQuery() to preserve option to remove jQuery from the global scope
* Remoed jQuery from the global scope within the chrome context
* Changed how some elements are created
* Fixed issue with key selection dialog positioning
* Added some data escape/sanitation
* Added Key search method
* Fixed issue with helper arrow not being removed from the DOM

Weergawe 2.9 MiB Werk met Firefox 13.* - 18.0a1, Thunderbird 13.* - 18.0a1