Tooltip Plus se weergawegeskiedenis

2 versions

Wees versigtig met die ou weergawes!

Hierdie weergawes word net vir verwysing en toetsdoeleindes gewys. Gebruik altyd die jongste weergawe van 'n byvoeging.

Weergawe 0.2.0 10.0 KiB Werk met Firefox 1.5 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 1.5a - 2.1a2

- Use menu appearance as custom appearance
- Fix icon size setting
- Fix icon selection
- Add option to use favicon as default icon

Weergawe 0.1.2 10.0 KiB Werk met Firefox 1.5 - 3.6a1pre

* Fixed exception on hidePopup leading to location/back button breakage (thanks to Dave.G)
* Icon size is now configurable
* Display of "alt" text can now be disabled
The email address in the source should work now, if you wish to report bugs or suggestions.