GitHub Extension Installer se weergawegeskiedenis

6 versions

Wees versigtig met die ou weergawes!

Hierdie weergawes word net vir verwysing en toetsdoeleindes gewys. Gebruik altyd die jongste weergawe van 'n byvoeging.

Weergawe 1.7.0 12.4 KiB Werk met Firefox for Android 22.0 - 56.*, Firefox 22.0 - 56.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.27

- Update for Github design change.
- Added support for the mobile version of Github.

Weergawe 12.1 KiB Werk met Firefox for Android 22.0 - 39.*, Firefox 22.0 - 42.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.27

✔ Made to work over latest Github changes.

Weergawe 12.0 KiB Werk met Firefox for Android 22.0 - 35.*, Firefox 22.0 - 36.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.28

✔ New "Native Popup" notification method, which uses the build-in addon installation notification from the browser itself.

✔ Add-Ons requiring a restart are now properly handled (Ie, asking you to restart)

✔ It is now possible to install extensions from sub-folders, so no longer needs to be at the root of the repository.

Weergawe 11.4 KiB Werk met Firefox for Android 22.0 - 27.*, Firefox 22.0 - 27.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.27

✔ Improved the button's looking including a stylized installation progress and completion.

✔ Added configurable notification method. (Ie, modal dialog, alerts services, or none)

✔ You can now specify a list of repositories you want the button to appear on its PRs.

Weergawe 10.3 KiB Werk met Firefox for Android 22.0 - 29.0, Firefox 22.0 - 27.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.26

✔ Fixed the button under Firefox for Android which was missing.

✔ Fixed issue #1 (button won't appear navigating through the site)

Weergawe 10.1 KiB Werk met Firefox for Android 22.0 - 26.*, Firefox 22.0 - 26.*, SeaMonkey 2.19 - 2.24

Accidentally the add-on only worked for logged-in users, it should now work for everyone.