Rated 3 out of 5 stars

CardDAV - scheint gut zu sein - indessen habe ich das Problem, dass es
1.) die Gruppen von Google oder anderen nicht übernimmt! Das ist sehr ärgerlich, weil damit ein wichtiger Ordnungsfaktor verlorengeht.
2.) der ständige Ärger mit den Farb-Kombinationen, die nur sehr subobtimal sind! Entweder weisser oder schwarzer Hintergrund! - Warum gibt es kein Creme oder So? - Also ein Hintergrund welcher ein MAXIMUM an Farben satt und deutlich anzeigen würde.

2.) hätte ich gerne ein Tool, mit welchem ich einfach und sicher überprüfen kann, ob und wie Card-DAV sich auf meinem Server synchronisiert!! - Aber vielleicht habe ich das übersehen?
3.) Warum kann CardDAV nicht genau dieselben Default-Felder anbieten wie Google!??? - Also irgenwie scheint mir da immer ein Unterschied zu sein!??
4.) Warum kann Card-DAV nicht selbständig erkenne, welche Felder ich bei Google oder sonstwo nutze und darauf aufbauend, nach einer Rückfrage vielleicht - die eigenen Felder anpassen!?? -
5.) Warum kann CardDAV nicht genauso viele Felder in die Datenbank einfügen, wie Google!?? - Das ist für mich in keiner Weise nachvollziehbar! - Ich will doch, wenn ich meine daten von Google abziehe
a.) keine Daten oder Informationen verlieren
b.) genauso weiterarbeiten können, wie vorher
c.) mit denselben Features und Komfort wie bei Google arbeiten können.

Also irgendwie scheint mir die Idee der "Dienstleistung" noch nicht so ganz erkannt worden zu sein...

Daher kann ich nur mit einem Kraftaufwand von gutem Willen mich zu drei Punkten durchringen!


Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (6.2).  This user has a previous review of this add-on.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Security State: Unknown
Das Zertifikat wurde von Let's Encrypt für menin Synology erstellt. Die App möchte nicht damit arbeiten

Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (5.1). 

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

Pointed it at my carddav server, which has "carddav" right in its URL, and the addon responded that my carddav server, which has "carddav" right in its URL, doesn't support carddav. EDIT: I don't remember whether I was using FastMail yet when I first posted this, but I do know I shouldn't have given the add-on just one star since it wasn't your fault.

Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (4.0). 

Thank you for trying this extension.

If you would care to email me details about the type of CardDAV server that you are trying to connect to, I would be happy to investigate the issue. Please remember that SOGo, Yahoo and Google are listed as unsupported and so are known not to work with CardDAV Browser.

Unfortunately not all CardDAV servers are 100% standards compliant (eg: Radicale states "we decided not to implement the whole standard but just enough to understand some of its client-side implementations") and so might not work with CardDAV Browser. Also, having "carddav" in the URL does not guarantee that the server is standards compliant.

Thank you.

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

A CardDAV SOGo Link looks like this


It can be set up to look like this


If I insert the link in the browser I still bet error

Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (4.0).  This user has a previous review of this add-on.

Thank you for trying my extension.

Unfortunately SOGo Server is NOT compliant with the CardDAV standards published by the IETF and so can not be considered a CardDAV server despite their claim.

I do list SOGo Server as unsupported on my AddOn's page and provide a link to give more information about the issue. The only way that SOGo will be supported is if they make their system compliant with the appropriate IETF standards. I can only suggest that you contact SOGo (https://sogo.nu/) directly and ask them to make their system standards compliant.

Thank you.

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Where you can't subscribe an address book in Thunderbird to a CardDAV server this is an excellent alternative. It would be EVEN better :-) if you could right click a contact and opt to add to an address book in a context drop down.

Thanks for the work you've put in.

Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (3.0). 

Thank you for your suggestion and I will include that feature in the next version.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Un grand merci pour ton module, dans ThunderBird et avec le module SOGo Connector, j'ai réussi à synchroniser mes carnets d'adresse au format CardDAV

Un tutoriel a été ajouté sur https://forums.web4all.fr/topic/10305-impossible-de-synchroniser-les-carnets-et-contact-avec-thunderbird/#comment-63987

Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (3.0). 

Rated 3 out of 5 stars

If you really want feedback, please add a website bug tracker or e-mail address to receive it. Addons without a support or other contact link are really annoying. Reviews are not a good way to get feedback. They explicitly don't want bug reports here.

I tried this on a modest server - about 500 contacts on an ownCloud. Took forever to download, and got the 'script is running too long' warning. Needs to read the server in smaller chunks and should have some sort of progress indicator. Perhaps a 'contacts read' counter.

On vCards with long notes, creates a ridiculously wide window to hold them. Seems that the \n codes (that's backslash n, not 'newline') aren't being translated to newlines for display.See RFC 6350. Also see the RFC for how multi-line address elements are encoded.

It is impossible to select text from the browsing window & copy it with a mouse. E.g. It should be possible to paste into a address label writer or phone dialer.

None of the documentation indicated where to find the tool once installed - at the end of the tools menu, as it turns out.

It should have an icon and set itself up so it can be added to the toolbar.

Nonetheless, it's a good start. Thanks.

Dié resensie is oor 'n vorige weergawe van dié byvoeging (2.1). 

Thank you for your feedback. I have added an email address so you, and others, can email me about any future issues. I am also looking in to the issues that you've raised and working to improve the extension's performance.