مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Very good idea; but icons could be more neatly done. And the choice of colors is strange: why "spam" is yellow, and "write" is red?
I would make "spam" red (or much more orange), etc.
Otherwise, one of the really best themes! Thanks!

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.11) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

In TB 36.0 the icons on the toolbar are NOT colored any more :(

Update: THANK YOU for your reply. Is that option part of your theme or has it always been in TB?? I never noticed it before.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.10) 

I tried with TB 39 and I see the colored icons when in customize the 'colored icons' option is set.

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

I am using the NoGlass 0.10 theme with Thunderbird 31.0 and the Theme Font & Size Changer extension 31.2. They seem to work together quite well.

Paenglab: Good work, and thanks.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.10) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Very useful with the colored icons, thanks!

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.10) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Love it! Brings back usabiltiy to TB.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.10) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Colours are back!

Makes Thunderbird nicer.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.10) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Recently I have been desperate to improve the look of TB. For a long time I stuck with 3.1.20 and refused any more of the rabid-release garbage. Recently I took a chance and tried the latest on one machine. I still haven't decided on which is best.

Needless to say I tried getting personas to work and lately the Mozzlosers have been royally screwing them up. Even when they started working again many of the good ones wont drop down far enough leaving an interface mostly done and partially not. That looks horrendous!

Personas should have an option of being stretched below 1280 pixels otherwise many good ones are going to fail for folks who have detailed control setups.

Then I went and went through one theme after another(and yes, I also refuse to buy into the stupidity of the new terms(themes, complete themes.)) Anyways, I went and tried one after another, on the latest version and on 3 and after a zillion downloads and restarts it became readily apparent that the whole catalog sucks and is dying!

Many don't work and nobody has removed them- probably because they don't want to expose just how slim the real catalog is. Also, many were too strong, too weak, had too much glass... Put it all together and just how many do you truly want to see on your screen?

Then I found this one and it seems to have a really good balance. I think that glass is a really bad idea for TB and this one combined with it's other modest changes really presents a very well balanced UI

Good job!

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.8) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

I was looking to make Thunderbird look good once again since the designers at Mozilla keep @#*%$ing it up. I saw the first screen shot and thought this was it! This is what the default theme should be! This is the holy grail! So I Installed it and I was suddenly REALLY disappointed thinking "What a rip, this didn't fix anything at all!!!. How could this have such good reviews and get away with screen shots like that." Then I read somewhere I needed to change this line in the config editor to get the title bar back: mail.tabs.drawInTitlebar=false
BOOM! That did it! I hope someone else looking for this answer finds it, since it's not so spelled out in the about for us noobs (please add!). I would -1 star for the frustration, but this really is the theme you've been looking for once you get the title bar back in place.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.8) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

This is what the default theme should look like.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.7) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

The colored icons should be default in Thunderbird and not an Option in a Theme. Who made this stupid decision?

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.7) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Colour is a power means of communication. Removing it is counter-productive. Can you imagine traffic lights without colours? Everyday we rave about clarity - such as HDTV and AMOLED display on Samsung smartphones. And when we work on our emails, we want to see clearly too. But the glassy effect does nothing except make things blur and fuzzy, and difficult to find. This is one of the dumbest Microsoft invention - just like what they did with Explorer 7. I am so glad that this Thunderbird add-on is available!

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.5) 

مقيمة بـ 3 من 5 نجوم

Even though this is is marked as compatible with TB 12, it is not indeed: toolbar buttons are displayed with beveled borders, not the same as the default theme.
A much needed addon otherwise for those of us that find aero transparency useless.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.5) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Simple and elegant, great add-on.

Note that not yet compatible with v12, hopefully an update soon.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.4) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Simple, non-invasive and does the advertized job.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.4) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Très bon. Garde le côté moderne de TB 8. Mais ajoute les couleurs et supprime les transparences qui gêne la lisibilité. Ne pas oublier de faire "affichage"-"personnaliser" et cochez colored icons pour avoir les couleurs

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.3) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Thanks for this, when I saw the craptastic attempt to copy Windows live mail desktop program I was shocked how badly it was done. (lame and skill-less attempt to copy rollover blue effects with black shadow Active states on UI-laughable.
This stupid glass, terribad icons, makes the software look so unfinished (and is) my first thought was they must have fired the designer and got the monkeys to do the job instead. Design is so bad that someone came up with the add-on to counter it. Shame on mozilla.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.3) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

I am SO glad to have this. Thank you. After installing this in TBird, I realized that the same problem exists in Firefox -- the ugly dark blue/black glassy theme at the top. Is there a similar add-on for Firefox?

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.3) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Great, just what I was looking after the upgrade to version 5. Just 5 stars.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.2) 

مقيمة بـ 4 من 5 نجوم

I have just updated to Thunderbird 6.0 and was mortified to see so much glass! erugh, it looks horrible and very off putting as all I could see behind was my RocketDock. Thankfully I found this theme almost right away and applied it. Question to Mozilla - Why all the glass?! You could at least make an option to remove this like with the new Firefox menu tab, anyways thank you to the author of this theme :)

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.2) 

مقيمة بـ 5 من 5 نجوم

Thank you so much for undoing the disgusting glassy interface.

هذا التعليق كان على إصدارة سابقة من هذه الإضافة (0.2)