
Account Colors 需要重开

Associates user-defined colors with POP3/IMAP accounts and identities. Applies these colors to accounts, identities, folders, message list, message headers and compose headers. Users will always know which accounts/identities they are working with.

评分4星,满分5星 (174)
3,832 位用户

Search Results Sort By Date Not Relevance 需要重开

Makes search results sort by "date" instead of "relevance" by default.

评分5星,满分5星 (30)
1,095 位用户

Search as list 需要重开

Search results appear as list (as per the "Open email as list" button).
- return to facet view with shift+close [x]
- auto open list view when few results found
- column config./sort/toggle [IMG3&4]
- apply columns to search as list menu [IMG5]

评分5星,满分5星 (77)
163 位用户

Subject Manager 需要重开

Manages subject of composed emails.

评分5星,满分5星 (27)
119 位用户

Add to Mailing list

Add the current email (sender) to an existing mailing list.

评分2星,满分5星 (4)
546 位用户