
Color Transform

Transform the colors of entire web pages or selected elements. Combine predefined themes with basic transforms. Save transforms for specific web domains.

评分4星,满分5星 (25)
7 位用户

Menu Wizard 需要重开

Customize menus : Helps removing, moving and renaming menus and menu items
Colorize important menu for ease of use! (use Style (CSS))
Change or disable any of used keyboard shortcuts
Support: Firefox, Thunderbird and SeaMonkey

评分5星,满分5星 (251)
348 位用户

Simple Locale Switcher 需要重开


评分5星,满分5星 (14)
81 位用户

Theme Font & Size Changer for ThunderBird

Theme Font & Size Changer lets you change the global font size and font family used for the user interface in Firefox. Design your browser with your favorite font.

评分3星,满分5星 (100)
203 位用户


Add-on for Thunderbird that replaces the built-in notifications with OS native ones. It supports most Linux Desktop Environments as well as Windows 8.1/10.

评分5星,满分5星 (48)
19 位用户

lightningWeather 需要重开

LightningWeather shows the weather forecast in the background of the calendar so you can easily coordinate your activities with the weather.

评分3星,满分5星 (13)
31 位用户

AddressBook in Tab 需要重开

Adds a button that can be put in toolbars which opens the addressbook in a new tab like pastismans AddressBookTab

评分4星,满分5星 (20)
132 位用户

Stylish-Custom 需要重开

custom additions to Stylish extension

评分4星,满分5星 (10)
8 位用户

AdvancedTasks 需要重开

Thunderbirds Lightning Extension: Allows the use of Markdown in Task descriptions and renders them as HTML in the TaskView.

评分4星,满分5星 (9)
27 位用户

Disable DragAndDrop (Thunderbird) 需要重开

A Thunderbird extension which disables drag and drop in the folder pane.
This extension prevents unintended folder movement.

评分5星,满分5星 (19)
89 位用户

No Small Text

Set a minimum text size for all web content. Use the toolbar button to switch it on and off. NEW: Three preset sizes. NEW: Use mouse scroll on the toolbar button.

评分4星,满分5星 (21)
26 位用户


Adds icons to buttons and/or menus.

评分4星,满分5星 (95)
65 位用户

Perfect View

Image viewer with smooth dynamic zoom, pan and rotate. View slide shows of images or files and capture page elements and tab content. Apply image filters. Save images in various formats.

评分4星,满分5星 (15)
13 位用户

No need flash plugin on embeded youtube movies

No need flash plugin on embeded youtube movies

评分4星,满分5星 (25)
49 位用户

Lightning Reminder Left Buttons 需要重开

Tired to mistakenly press that "Dismiss All" button? Move the Lightining Reminder "Snooze all for" and "Dismiss All" buttons to the LEFT!
... and from version 2.0 you can keep them on the RIGHT, but swapped!

评分3星,满分5星 (2)
10 位用户

ViewAbout 需要重开

Enables access to various about: dialogs from the View menu.

评分4星,满分5星 (18)
39 位用户


Colorize entire web pages. Configure themes using sliders and drag-and-drop. Set domain preferences for automatic coloration.

评分4星,满分5星 (14)
8 位用户

Column Reader

Web reader for wide screens and long documents. Read with pleasure in attractive layouts.

评分5星,满分5星 (14)
3 位用户

Safe for Amoled

Darkens the background of the page

评分3星,满分5星 (19)
2 位用户

Thunderbird-DontRestoreTabs 需要重开

Allows the user not to restore tabs at startup in Thundertbird

评分4星,满分5星 (3)
26 位用户