
TB 78.4.0 : ThunderKeepPlus installed from file (didn't find an update). Before, I had the icon in the top bar - but in TB 78 it disappeared after each restart. I discovered, that I have to move the icon to the bar below: e.g. between the global search box and the three thick bars on the right - here, it is kept over the restart.

10.11.20: doesn't work anymore. Message says "Sie wurden abgemeldet. Aktualisieren Sie die Seite, um sich wieder anzumelden und weiterzuarbeiten." Translated: I was logged off and shall reload the page to login and continue.

When I click "Reload", the same message again. If I close the popup with the message, it stays but doesn't communicate with Google.

I cleared TB cache and cookies, no change.

Update: after I installed addon "G Suite in Tab", I got the same error for Google Keep. Then, I opened the Google calendar (from G Suite), got the Google login screen. I did a logoff/logon, now Google Keep works from both work: "G Suite" and "Thunderkeepplus".

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