
Nice idea but needs enhancement. When the bookmarked emails are moved the bookmark no longer points to them. Ability to organize and create folders in eMarks menu would be a big plus.


Incompatible with TB 5.0!


The idea is great. I love it's concept.

But unfortunately, it malfunction with Japanese character.
When using Japanese character, "moji-bake" problem happen.
(China, Korea, and some more languages are the same perhaps.)


My question is how this is different than the 'Star' feature that comes built-in to Thunderbird. I basically use those like bookmarks and I think that's the intention, since you can flag an email with a star and then see all those in the 'Starred' folder. I guess, with bookmarks, you get the added bonus of categorization? But, I would prefer to use the tags since those are useful throughout the application.


This seems like a nice extension. But does it need its own toolbar? Really, an icon with a drop down menu would work just fine, and it wouldn't take up so much screen real estate. Unnecessarily using vertical space is a real problem on small widescreen laptops.

Thank you for your review. This is why you can toggle the toolbar off/on as you wish. Some users have asked for the toolbar.


Just installed your new version 1.2.1 for TB 3.1 (from the see all versions page). Works great! I can't tell you how many times I know an email is in there somewhere, but I'm not sure how to search for it, or when I do, I have to sift through a ton of results to find it.

It can be accessed from the main menu or its own toolbar which can be hidden. You can choose to go to the folder the message is in (with the message selected), open the message in a new window, or open it in a new tab.

The only thing this doesn't have is the ability to organize bookmarks in folders like in a browser. Hopefully, I won't have so many concurrent bookmarks that this becomes an issue. It does allow you to rearrange the bookmark list by dragging and dropping.

Overall, a really useful addition to Thunderbird.

Now, the only problem is remembering/deciding to bookmark it in the first place. Nothing you can do about that .

Hi Joe,
Glad to hear it´s useful to you, that's the main point in doing software.
Best Regards,


Very useful add-on. Unfortunately it doesn't work with 3.1.
Any chance for update?


Hi Jacques,
Thank you for your review. Glad to hear it´s useful to you. A new version for 3.1 has been just uploaded and its currently pending for editor review to become public. You can get it if you want going to the "View all versions ..." at the bottom or maybe just waiting until is made public.
Best Regards,



However it does not work when the email list showing the 'tagged' emails. You need to be viewing 'ALL' emails to have this working. I am using TB 3.0.1


Thank you for your review and comments. Glad to hear you find eMarks useful. I'll explore into the tags situation that you mention.
Best Regards,


This addon does not install on Thunderbird 3RC1.
Please update the code.
I would really like to use this addon.


Just to let you know the new eMarks 1.2.0 is released and fully compatible with Thunderbird 3. Hope eMarks is helpful to you.


This one does not install on Thunderbird 3RC1.
Please update the code.
I would really like to use it.



This really helps me. My incoming mail is filtered into many folders and even when I star important "to do" messages - it requires searching or sorting. Now when I get an important email - I drag it to emarks and remove it when I have followed through. Thanks for the cool add-on.


Hello Mag,
Thank you for the review. Glad to hear eMarks is helpful to you. That's the whole idea behind. There is work in progress to have a new version including some other suggestions, improvements, etc. If you need or have any suggestion don't hesitate letting me know.
Best Regards,


... the marks are removed if the email is moved into another folder. This really makes it unusable for me. However, if this concept will have been changed in future I will come back to it - then it will be a great add-on.


Thank you for the review, your suggestion is certainly in the TODO list.
I'll let you know as soon as the new version is launched including that. We look forward to have you back.
Best Regards,


I like this very much. I tend to keep important emails (password confirmation, software licence keys etc.) in my email system for quite a long time so that I can retrieve them quickly if needed. eMarks helps a lot to do this.

My only suggestion is that eMarks could profitably be further developed to be similar to Firefox bookmarks. Subfolders for different topics and bookmark tagging would be the "icing on the cake".


Thank you for the review ! very glad to hear it's helping you (that's the most important thing). I will certainly keep an eye at your suggestions. So far there have been a bit of contradictory opinions with regards to putting folders. Some people like that and want it, others have said such functionality already exists in the normal email therefore not worth. As with other suggestions, it is all in the todo list, and lets see how this topic evolves.
Best Regards,


eMarks is a nice concept - putting bookmarks into email - esp. if you group and hierachy into folders.

I personally just prefer to "Star" items i want to remember and create a "Starred" Saved Search folder for a flat list. I do end up using the search box a lot too though!


Hello Jay,
Thank you for the review, I am happy to see that you like the concept. What would suggest to make eMarks a five stars addon ? I will appreciate your comments and suggestions.
Best Regards,


Marking those important emails has never been easier, especially for those of us that keep everything in our Inbox. Easy to use and practical, lets you mark those emails you revisit frequently.



The rationale behind this add-on is to facilitate convenience. In order to attain convenience though you need to install another toolbar, therefore elminiating the visual space for reading emails. It would be much much better if the designer considered about adding a drop-down list, with priority setting, and a right-click function (why is this missing from the current design???) that should be located in the mail toolbar or integrated into another main toolbar.


Thank you for the review.

Just uploaded a new version 1.1.0 including a menu at the top. This lets you toggle the toolbar off and still have access to your eMarks. I hope this is more convenient for you. I would welcome your comments and feedback.

Best regards,


This extension is great. Nice going.
I haven't fully kicked the tires on it yet but it took just seconds to figure out how it works and I like it.
I'd love to be able to use it in Thunderbird 3 (when officially released) so I hope that you keep that in mind.


Hello Ken,

Thank you for your comments. Just uploaded a new version 1.1.0 that includes support for Thunderbird 3 (3.0b2 as of May 2009). It comes with some new functionality. Hope you find it useful. I welcome your comments and feedback.

Best regards,