

名称 Tin
注册时间 Feb. 18, 2011
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分


Happy Palemoon user. Got off the FF-go-round™ at Australis FF29. No sale thanks, but lets keep in touch.
* I think I'm pretty competent at laying out my own browser UI, thanks.
*And I have zero interest in either running Chrome, or a FF-based UI clone, or, for that matter shilling out my data & privacy to cloud vendors of any stripe.
Data-sharing & sync'ing is a process _I_ should be able to configure through any private media _I_ chose (dropbox, googledrive, onedrive, USB-key, email or even pony-express). Like with the UI, I shouldn't be shoe-horned by the devs into trusting and using *their* choice.


KeePass Helper


v2.0.1 works just great as a keepass adjunct under Firefox 22.0.As a side-note though, although Comodo IceDragon is firefox-based, it looks like this addon can't get access to IceDragon's toolbar. As web tracking, google/facebook etc profiling and invasiveness have grown over time, I've started using other browsers to provide 'logged-in' access, while remaining _logged-out_ in my primary browser. IceDragon makes a good option, because - other than this specific addon - it's pretty much fully compatible with your regular Firefox addons, bookmarks and other profile components, while maintaining a 100% separate profile & cookies. Thanks!
