
Very useful, thanks.
Only caveat: Nostalgy++ looses from time to time the connection to the hot-key processing. Going to add-ons, disabling it and reenabling it restores the function.
And maybe: Set default keys such that they do not conflict with hardcoded shortcuts of TB



Life saving! I can't understand why TBird didn't think of this.

Every once in awhile, TBird does something naughty that keeps Nostalgy from working. The latest is that TBird assigns a bunch of ordinary keys (like S, C) to functions that I have no use for (S = toggle the star on a msg--I don't even show the star column). As it happens, another user (FS?) has a fix, which I repeat here (and thanks to him/her!!!):
I solved my problem via the Thunderbird configuration editor and passing the following 2 parameters to False:
- accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled
- ui.key.textcontrol.prefer_native_key_bindings_over_builtin_shortcut_key_definitions



thanks a lot for this useful addon!
Also dark mode works for me, even if it is looking strange while configuring. Switching to light mode is done quickly to configure nostalgy++.

Main function of handling messages is there in v4.10 and working!

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(4.1.4)。  对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过1个评价


IMHO, the most useful feature of this extension is its ability to search for folders; I need this often.

But unfortunately, I can't use the extension because it can't be configured if TB runs in dark mode. There is a bug report about it, but it seems to be ignored (https://github.com/opto/nostalgy-xpi/issues/258).



This extension is a must-have making Thunderbird mailhandling very powerful.



This makes Thunderbird so much more usable and efficient. This add on is indispensable for me. Thank you!!!



If it helps, some on my side Thunderbird's built-in keyboard shortcuts sometimes (only sometimes??) take priority over Nostalgy shortcuts. For example "S: Add a star" instead of S: Save". I solved my problem via the Thunderbird configuration editor and passing the following 2 parameters to False:
- accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled
- ui.key.textcontrol.prefer_native_key_bindings_over_builtin_shortcut_key_definitions



This application is fantastic. It lets you organise your messages quickly, with 2 main shortcuts "s" and "g" and the ability to find folders with just a few characters typed. It is too bad that it is no longer supported for TB115. I will ne obliged to use a former version of TB until Nostalgy++ is back agin in the main branch.



Thunderbird is useless without this addon. Please upgrade to the last Thunderbird version 115!!! THANKS



I feel Thunderbird becomes almost useless without this add-on. There should be a warning when upgrading Thunderbird if this add-on isn't compatible. That way, we won't upgrade if Nostalgy++ is still behind.



Cannot download version 4.0.2 - any solution?


Thank you!

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(3.6.18)。  对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过1个评价


Great add-on!! I wait impatiently for the new version.



As many have said already, this is a fantastic app. My system just updated to T115. Although the new version of Tbird looks and feels great, it broke the best piece... Nostalgy. My productivity suddenly dropped. I can't wait for Nostalgy to be ported... For those who have not, donate so the authors can manage to do the port to the new Tbird version.

[What alternatives are there in the meantime?]



One of the most important Add-on in Thunderbird. I use it every day since years and it became mandatory for my work to stay organized. Hopefully version 115+ is supported soon. In the meantime I am using crappy alternatives and waiting for the long awaited update!



Indispensable, cannot live without it for much longer! Makes filing mails a breeze. I have donated. When will this be updated to 115

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(3.6.18)。  对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过1个评价


The absolutely greatest addon. Indispensable for me. How can we help to get it ported to TB115? I donated already. Are more donations necessary? What can we do???



Excellent addon, I happily donated to see 115 support in:)

这个评论是针对附加组件的一个早期版本的(3.6.18)。  对这个附加组件,此用户曾发表过1个评价


The best TB addon, improving over the classic favorite Nostalgy. I really hope it will be compatible with TB115 soon.



Impressive plugin. Some suggestions that I think are easy:

- Remove the icon out of the status bar. It is very large relatively to the status bar. Just the text is fine.
- I would prefer the search view to have all email accounts/ folders collapsed.
- I would love for the search view to remember the last used criteria, so not to set them again and again when opening the panel.

I definitely will donate.



I could not live without this add-on! Combining Nostalgy++ with the tbkeys add-on means that I control Thunderbird with most of the same keystrokes I've been using since I did my email in Pine in the 1990s. There is no faster way to plow through a loaded inbox!
