
Show History Popup

При нажатии средней кнопки или прокрутке колесика мышки показывает всплывающее окно истории в строке адреса и поиска.

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2 位用户

Open RegEdit Key

[WINDOWS ONLY] Open selected registry key directly in the registry editor from context menu.

评分4星,满分5星 (7)
0 位用户


Search in w3schools EN, context-menu item active when selected text

0 位用户

Click-to-Play Manager

Manages the Click-to-Play domain whitelist.

评分4星,满分5星 (14)
3 位用户

Easy Notes

One Extension to manage Notes, Reminders, Todos , Favorite pages and Website-specific-search.

评分3星,满分5星 (6)
0 位用户

Fragment Titles

Save better history for fragment URLs.

评分5星,满分5星 (3)
1 位用户

Add-ons Sync Prefs

Adds Add-ons Sync Preferences to SeaMonkey 2.8

0 位用户

Togglify Add-on Toggler

Adds toolbar buttons for each restartless add-on (including user scripts and plugins) to toggle its enabled state.

评分3星,满分5星 (6)
1 位用户

Reddit History

Keeps track of all the submissions you viewed on Reddit

0 位用户

AMO Modifications

Back-logged AMO Editor Tool modifications

1 位用户

Live Bookmark Enabler

Fixes a bug in SeaMonkey whereby Live Bookmarks don't automatically update themselves.

0 位用户

Select Search Shop

Select Search Shop : select text and Search in different shops.
1. Select: Select product name/text
2. Search: Click on right click and search in different top shops.
3. Shop: Shop/Buy the product.
4. Get products at low price & Save Money.

1 位用户

Cover Art Finder

A simple restartless addon that shows cover art in your MP3/FLAC/WAV folders and provides an easy way of retrieving missing artwork.

6 位用户

Debugger Server Enabler

Starts the remote debugger server.

1 位用户

Búsqueda en la barra de direcciones en Twitter

Mozilla Firefox con Twitter te conecta instantáneamente con lo que está sucediendo en el mundo.
Busca personas y temas en Twitter usando @ y # desde la barra de direcciones.

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