
Google+ Share for SeaMonkey 需要重开

Share a URL in Google+ directly from SeaMonkey

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Singlish to Sinhalese 需要重开

Singlish to Sinhalese Conversion provide by Subasa Language Service

1 位用户

AutoSave Plus for ScrapBook Plus / XSidebar 需要重开

AutoSave is an Add-On to the firefox extension ScrapBook Plus by haselnuss and ScrapBook with XSidebar for SeaMonkey. This is a modified version of the original Add-On. Uninstall the original AutoSave before you use this extension.

评分4星,满分5星 (1)
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Email this page 需要重开

Simple SeaMonkey Email this page button

3 位用户

ExtExp 需要重开

Export your extensions!

4 位用户

Búsqueda en la barra de direcciones en Twitter

Mozilla Firefox con Twitter te conecta instantáneamente con lo que está sucediendo en el mundo.
Busca personas y temas en Twitter usando @ y # desde la barra de direcciones.

0 位用户

Share to Google+ Page 需要重开

Share to your Google+ Profile or Google+ Page with just click of a button.

评分5星,满分5星 (1)
1 位用户

ScrapBook AutoSave Improved 需要重开

ScrapBook AutoSave Addon, with some extra features.

评分3星,满分5星 (5)
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