
Nothing happening here Shame


I believe, that all of us are really grateful to the Author of this splendid extension, which was highly important for many years and, finally, resulted in releasing of the current versions of SeaMonkey. Thank you very much!!


It is a shame that this plugin is no longer being updated. I've not been able to find another add-on that gives me this exact functionality. Extremely frustrating.

5 stars when it did work with SeaMonkey. Zero stars now that it doesn't run in the latest version.


There is no way to email this developer from his website. The only way to contact him is to call him by PHONE!


Do any of the commenters get, "Please check my site for help or email me. This site is not checked", or what?



Do any of the commenters get, "Please check my site for help or email me. This site is not checked", or what?



Please update this for SeaMonkey 2.0.x or if you are not maintaining this please let another dev take over


This was really nice for SeaMonkey 1.1.18. I wait for a newer version for SM 2.0 !


Indeed, sad. I hope someone will make another add-on in like MonkeyMenu. I gave it 5 stars, for the functionality in SeaMonkey 1.x. Really sad to see this languish here, not being maintained or updated for SeaMonkey 2.0.


Sad, sad day. The developer has abandoned this add-on. So NO new updates for the new SeaMonkey 2.0 Beta that is out now. :( But otherwise a pretty needed add-on. It kind of "Firefox's" your SeaMonkey browser, if you use it like I do - just for the Google search box only. I give it 4 stars only because all possible updates to this add-on will likely never happen.


update extension


It's rather nice. As long as you accept that IT CAN NEVER BE UNINSTALLED. Uninstalling this add on completely screws up the UI. You wind up with a unusable browser littered with buttons and entry fields randomly. Once you reinstall it everything works and looks fine.


Unfortunately this plug in does not work with Puppy Linux 3.01, worked perfectly with 3.17. Keep get unexpected error 201., can't find any documentation as to what this means.