

名稱 boosally
加入日期 April 23, 2010
參與開發的附加元件數量 0 個附加元件
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PitchDark for TB

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

A very attractive theme, thank you....i'm using it on Mac OSX Snow Leopard and my screen is glossy, so it really looks spectacular! :-)

I've noticed that, because there are no formatting buttons to be seen on the composing window, i need to go to the menu bar at the top to do anything in that respect, which is really no biggie...i like its clean interface and neat, unobtrusive icons.

No offence to Mozilla, but this sure beats the daylights out of the default for style ;-)

If i didn't like my Gato Cinza Firefox theme so much, i'd be looking to use the PitchDark theme for it, too...(might d/l it and give it a whirl anyway)

Congratulations on a really nice job and thanks again.

此意見為舊版本 (3.0.0) 的附加元件。