
DuckDuckGo (HTTPS / SSL)

DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. We also have smarter answers and less clutter. This extension adds DuckDuckGo (HTTPS / SSL version) to the search bar. For more features, see the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on. Enjoy!

評分: 5 / 5 顆星 (128)
每週下載 2,164 次

Duck Duck Go (SSL)

Duck Duck Go is a search engine that does not collect or share personally identifiable information. This search bar add-on utilizes SSL to protect searches between You and Duck Duck Go.

評分: 5 / 5 顆星 (16)
每週下載 558 次

DuckDuckGo (HTML SSL)

DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. We also have smarter answers and less clutter. This extension adds DuckDuckGo (non-JS HTML version) to the search bar. For more features, see the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on. Enjoy!

評分: 5 / 5 顆星 (13)
每週下載 179 次

DuckDuckGo (Lite SSL)

DuckDuckGo is the search engine that doesn't track you. We also have smarter answers and less clutter. This extension adds DuckDuckGo (non-JS Lite version) to the search bar. For more features, see the DuckDuckGo Plus add-on. Enjoy!

評分: 4 / 5 顆星 (10)
每週下載 117 次

All-in-one Internet Search (True SSL, TLS, & PFS)

The #1 Internet Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Firefox."

(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)
(True SSL, TLS, & PFS)
Binary App Dev

評分: 4 / 5 顆星 (4)
每週下載 109 次

New Ixquick HTTPS - Français / Europe

La nouvelle version en Français de moteur de recherche Ixquick qui vous permet d'effectuer des recherches privées sur Google en plus d'une connexion HTTPS cryptée empêchent de fouiner dans vos requêtes.

評分: 4 / 5 顆星 (3)
每週下載 104 次

New Startpage HTTPS - Français / Europe

La nouvelle version en Français de moteur de recherche Startpage qui vous permet d'effectuer des recherches privées sur Google en plus d'une connexion HTTPS cryptée empêchent de fouiner dans vos requêtes.

評分: 5 / 5 顆星 (1)
每週下載 41 次

DuckDuckGo clean (no history version)

Search plugin for https://duckduckgo.com

評分: 5 / 5 顆星 (2)
每週下載 28 次

DuckDuckGo Deutsch, WOT, Suchergebnis unbeschänkt

Die datenschutzfreundliche Suchmaschine DuckDuckGo in der Region Deutschland, unbeschränkte Suchergebnisse und WOT-Symbole für jedes Ergebnis. WOT eine der größten Bewertungsplattformen für Websites ist in DuckDuckGo integriert, aber normal aus.

每週下載 13 次

Startpage (ru)

Данный плагин имеет поддержку "предположений" (suggestions) и поиска на русском языке в поисковой системе Startpage.com.

評分: 5 / 5 顆星 (2)
每週下載 8 次

Canada - All-in-one Internet Search (SSL & TLS)

Canada - The #1 Canada Search Add-on - Download Now - Free & Unlimited - "A must have add-on for Canada."

(End-to-End Encryption & Secure Encrypted SSL Suggestions)


Binary App Dev

每週下載 3 次

Google Forum(discussion) Search

Conduct Forum(discussion) Searches using Google's own Search Engine Modifiers.

This is the only option to search forums within Google (using their modifiers).

評分: 5 / 5 顆星 (2)
每週下載 2 次