Infinity 發表對 Thumbnail Zoom Plus 的評論
評分: 3 / 5 顆星
This is a really useful program, but I cannot stop enlarged images from popping up when I Right-Click on an image. I set 'Not Display' to 'Right Mouse Button' but I still keep getting the zoomed image covering up the context menu whenever I Right-Click. I then have to wiggle the pointer back and forth in order to get the image to go away (so that I can see the context menu again). It's very annoying and it makes Thumbnail Zoom Plus completely unusable for me on most sites (except the very few where I would never need to right-click anywhere).
I would like to see an option to prevent an image being enlarged if it has been Right-Clicked on (regardless of how long your mouse pointer stays still over the image). If you want to zoom an image after you've Right-Clicked on it, you'd just have to move your mouse pointer off the image, wait for a second and then move it back over the image again (this time without Right-Clicking anywhere). The image should then zoom as usual (after the amount of time set in the options). This feature would be a huge help because it means that image context menus will not keep getting covered.
I hope the author considers adding this.
I suspect the pop-up has already appeared before you right-click so disabling it on right-click doesn't help.
You could try increasing "Delay before displaying".
Or let the pop-up display, but rather than wiggling the mouse to dismiss it simply click (or right-click an extra time) since clicking the pop-up dismisses it.
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