評分: 5 / 5 顆星

@Brett Zamir , you wrote in 2013 you were taking over this addon. Is it still on your plate? I am happy it provides a few menu items, but I'm wondering what the status of dev tools is today, what with the retiring of the online builder you mentioned, https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/Builder Thank you!

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

I still have access to the repository (at https://github.com/brettz9/dev-assistant/ ), but even when I took over, I had no certainty I would be developing it further (Ted just wanted it off his hands, I think, and I was considering adding some syntax highlighting or such). Anyhow, I'm not really looking to do anything with it right now (though it would be great to see the HTML Editor's JavaScript working again). As far as addon-building, I'd recommend just getting used to Mozilla's latest "jpm" tool and build restartless add-ons.

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Nice; works on FF21.0

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

Handy addon. It's unfortunate that it will no longer build addon installer files in the latest Firefox. Looks like it was updated 2011.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

The original creator is no longer maintaining it, and I just agreed to take over in case I was inspired to make some modifications. However, Firefox is going in the direction of restartless addons which you can build using their online tools at https://builder.addons.mozilla.org/ . There are bugs with the feature to auto-upload from their site directly for submission to AMO (the official Addons site), but you can use the builder to download the file package (or just the source files) after you have built it and then upload the package to AMO yourself (assuming you want a public addon hosted by Mozilla). The online builder tool also doesn't support localization yet, but otherwise, you can do a lot using this tool.

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Is there any plan to make this tool (especially the xul editor) integrated with Firebug?
It can be simply done if we could open these tools in Tabs instead of new window.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

Doesn't work for me. I tried using the source of a working addon and it will not create the xpi. it creates a build folder that can be zipped manually but when installed that way, the addon does not work.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

if someone could add this line


somewhere around line 10 into install.rdf it will unpack automatically

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

The addon does work if you unpack it. Since FF4 xpi files are not unpacked like they use to so now there is a guide when you need to add which the developers failed to follow -- see http://blog.mozilla.com/addons/2010/09/23/changes-to-how-extensions-are-installed-in-firefox-4/ also see https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Install_Manifests#unpack -- this addon needs to be unpacked because it uses windows bat and linux shell scripts.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

Just looking into this tool. Haven't tried it. Many recent reviews point out that it is not working - no longer creates an XPI. Perhaps it may be awhile before it is fixed since it appears to be Google developed and work on their Chrome browser likely takes precedence.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

This extension is not creating the xpi file with the current version

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

This is the only extension builder I found and used. But the current version ( of this extension is not creating the .xpi files. It just creates a "build" folder inside my working directory. Many have already reported it.

Any updates from the author or development team is highly appreciated with respect to the fix.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

Doesn't build .xpi (or .jar/.zip) - please fix.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

I just downloaded and installed it. Whenever I try to build an extension, it gives error message as "Error creating XXXX.jar" and creates a build folder inside of my project folder. It used to just create the XPI file.

Any idea or update.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

Is it working again?

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

This use to work great, but now I went to make an update and like everyone else all I get is "Initializing..."

Must need some updating to work with the newest version of Firefox or something...

Please fix, this was a great tool.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

Have been using it from a long time, but after the last update (this addon update), extension builder stopped working. It always says "Initializing..." for 5-7 mins n then my FF crashes (FF 3.6.6).

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 1 / 5 顆星

I can't get the Extension Builder to work either. It just says "Initializing..." but nothing works.
I'd like to ask for support, but there doesn't appear to be a "Support Section" on the website. So it has to be a negative review instead. Sorry.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 4 / 5 顆星

The extension builder doesn't work. anyone can help me?

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 4 / 5 顆星


Click on the link in the error console. Then you see the path in die title bar of the source code. Open the file an remove the whitespace between "getJarFilesAndChrome" and "Dirs" (@line: 450).

Restart Firefox and try it again ;)

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 5 / 5 顆星

Love this, so 5 stars, but Extension Builder seems broken. From the console,
Error: missing ; before statement
Source file: chrome://extensiondev/content/extensionbuilder.js
Line: 450, Column: 2
Source code:
getJarFilesAndChrome Dirs(mf, cm, jarfiles, jardirs, newCM);

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 

評分: 3 / 5 顆星

I tried to create two xpi files with EDE, one from the source code of Site Compare v0.87, an addon that works and is in Mozilla Addons and one from the source code of an extension that I'm developing called Missing Alert. None of them worked.

I took a screenshot of the Error Console:
I double-clicked the link below "it is null" and I took a screenshot from a source code too:

The Site Compare v0.87 source code is at:
The Missing Alert source code is at:

My e-mail is deltrem(because of Delirium tremens)1984(because of my birthdate)*the at symbol*bol (because of Brasil Online)*the dot symbol*com*the dot symbol*br

Please, help me! What should I do?

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。