

名称 Nightshade09
注册时间 Aug. 20, 2012
开发的附加组件数量 0 个附加组件
开发的附加组件平均得分 尚无评分



As a search engine is fast, no frills, tweets buzzes or surprises and its reliable much more so then any other out there. I've used it for over a year and its pretty good to the point its become my default..

This is NOT the ask toolbar nor will it load it into your system. Nor do I recommend that (let alone any other toolbar, which will ONLY slow down your browsers.)

You can download with confidence. There are no hidden surprises its just the search engine.

Memory Fox


Spent 3 weeks trying it figure out how to fix numerous problems with Firefox but to no effect and was about to give up on firefox forever. That is until I came across this add on! OMG! My memory use went from 490k ram to a consistent 37K and still effective with all add on's! Simply put this add should be mandatory for a new firefox releases from now on! Amazed simply amazed.
