Thunderbird Todoist 版本記錄

版本: 4



版本 0.6 32.6 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 68.0 及更新版

Add support for Thunderbird 115.

This version switches the protocol used for mail-links. Please follow the instructions on the settings page to setup the new protocol. Thanks to the new protocol the extension requires fewer permissions and emails can be opened even if they were moved to a different folder.

版本 0.5 33.9 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 68.0 - 102.*

Update to Todoist REST API v2

版本 0.4 33.9 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 68.0 - 102.*

New features:
- Add mail content as task description
- Set custom task format
- Set default due date

版本 0.3 27.2 KiB 相容於 Thunderbird 68.0 - 102.*