Account Check 1
作者: Geoff Lankow
Checks account settings against those listed in the Thunderbird autoconfig database and offers to fix settings that don't match. This is the same check performed when setting up an account.
Checks account settings against those listed in the Thunderbird autoconfig database and offers to fix settings that don't match. This is the same check performed when setting up an account.
如果您要新增自己的收藏集,你必須先申請一個 Mozilla 附加元件的帳號。
某些附加元件會向您詢問是否要授權進行某些行為(例如: 分頁管理附加元件,會請您授權存取瀏覽器的分頁系統)。
由於您對 Thunderbird 有完整的控制權,您可以自行決定是否要允許這些請求。同意這些權限不一定會降低您瀏覽器的效能或安全性,但在少數情況下,可能會有所關聯。