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I added this to firefox today. I am using Ubuntu 8.04. I was attempting to reply to an email in Tamil. The email is under hotmai. I was using Firefox browser to access hotmail.
When I press Alt-F8, I see the blue border appears (I see from your other replies is switched to Tamil). When I type the keyboard selection is totally messed up. I wanted to exit that mode and type in English afterwards. Though the blue boarder around the message disappeared, I could not type in English or in Tamil. I was getting Tamil characters - but the key assignments were messed up.
I am not sure how to proceed further. So I Uninstalled the add on at this point. I would greatly appreciate your help for this issue.

此意見為舊版本 ( 的附加元件。 


Please raise a bug with detailed instructions to reproduce, along with OS and Firefox version used. And details about any other Tamil typing applications installed in the same system etc.

For raising the bug, please use http://tamilkey.mozdev.org/bugs.html