best search engines


此收藏集中有 11 个附加组件

Startpage HTTPS Privacy Search Engine 作者:StartPage

评分5星,满分5星 124 条评价

8,000 次周下载量

Add Startpage - The World's Most Private Search Engine - to your search box. Startpage does not record your IP address. Search the Web in the best possible privacy!

GoogleTranslate 作者:justin Ƨullivan

评分4星,满分5星 80 条评价

1,182 次周下载量

Automatically translate from any language to your language.
收藏者说明 not SSL

YouTube (SSL) 作者:SSL Search Bar

评分5星,满分5星 9 条评价

266 次周下载量

YouTube is the world's most popular video sharing website. This search bar extension utilizes SSL to protect searches between You and YouTube.

Google Images 作者:Dr_Monkey99

评分4星,满分5星 53 条评价

216 次周下载量

Google Images Search
收藏者说明 not SSL

Thesaurus - 作者:Jeremy Morton

评分4星,满分5星 24 条评价

175 次周下载量

Thesaurus suggestions at your fingertips.

Search Add-ons for Firefox 作者:ki_ll

评分5星,满分5星 10 条评价

66 次周下载量

Wiktionary (en) 作者

评分5星,满分5星 8 条评价

46 次周下载量

Search, the free-content multilingual dictionary quickly and easily - and without wasting time and bandwidth on ads.
收藏者说明 bot SSL

Google + Bing + Ask = for Firefox 作者:qrobe

评分5星,满分5星 18 条评价

29 次周下载量 searches Google, Bing and Ask simultaneously.

Features infinite scrolling, TAM instant answers, keyword suggest, news, private, no tracking.

Directly search YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Google/Bing maps, access weather from the search bar.
收藏者说明 not SSL

(G)mailto: 作者: jusore

评分4星,满分5星 10 条评价

15 次周下载量

(G)mailto: Will load in a Firefox's tab a new email at Google Mail, so you'll start writing to that email you typed.

OneLook (all dictionaries) 作者:Jeremy Morton

评分4星,满分5星 9 条评价

7 次周下载量

Search multiple dictionaries, indexed by the OneLook website. 作者:Adeel Shaikh

评分4星,满分5星 3 条评价

5 次周下载量


