SeaMonkey Extensions For ex-Firefox Users


此收藏集中有 3 个附加组件

Disable Add-on Compatibility Checks 作者:Kris Maglione

评分4星,满分5星 120 条评价

230 名用户

Reinstates the extensions.checkCompatibility preference without respect to the current application version.

Sea Fox 作者:patrickjdempsey

评分4星,满分5星 14 条评价

27 名用户

Transform SeaMonkey into Firefox 3.x

MonkeyFix 作者:Jeremy Morton

评分5星,满分5星 3 条评价

17 名用户

Fixes up numerous SeaMonkey browser interface issues (eg. adding support for popup ALT attributes), as well as adding some handy features for developers and power users (eg. configure source viewer, work online/offline).


