

Metal Lion Image Saver 需要重开

Single-click access to common actions for images (e.g. saving, copying, printing)

8 位用户

Page Colors & Fonts Buttons

Adds buttons to toggle the using the default page colors and fonts, and the page defined colors and fonts.

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8 位用户


Dynamic creation of bookmark-style toolbar buttons which you can customize.

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8 位用户

Password Tags 需要重开


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8 位用户

ToggleDocumentColors_ 需要重开

Adds a toolbar button and keyboard shortcut to switch between the default page colors and user-defined colors.
Firefox shortcut: Control-Shift-C
SeaMonkey shortcut: Control-K

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8 位用户

Flexible Sidebar

Flexible Sidebar allows to change sidebar width by dragging the handles.

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8 位用户

InspectorWidget 需要重开

Adds toolbar button and context menus for invoking the DOM Inspector (DOMi) for either chrome or content elements.

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7 位用户

Stylish-Custom 需要重开

custom additions to Stylish extension

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7 位用户

CloseTab 需要重开

Lightweight add-on which adds to right-click menu 3 items allowing to close current tab, open a new one and reopen closed one. Right-click anywhere on site instead of using keyboard or finding buttons.

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6 位用户

Tab Clicking Options 需要重开

Select actions for various clicking events on a tab or the tab...

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6 位用户

jsbtn 需要重开

JS on/off status bar button

6 位用户

RC Print 需要重开

Adds a "Print" option to the Right-Click context menu.

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6 位用户

Linkification 需要重开

Converts text links into genuine, clickable links...

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5 位用户

YouTube Anywhere Player

Watch videos anywhere in cinema mode without leaving the website you're on.

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5 位用户

lolifox - Fierr MOD 需要重开

Replaces the error page with a lolifox appearance with additional features.

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5 位用户

Right Links 需要重开

This extension allows to open links in new tabs with right-click directly and using “long” left-click.
This is very useful for touchpads on notebooks and for mice without middle button.

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5 位用户

No Alt Text 需要重开

Changes the default setting for new images to not use alternative text. This also works around a bug in some versions of SeaMonkey Composer and Thunderbird Message Compose whereby the Image Properties dialog would always demand alt text.

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4 位用户

Fierr 需要重开

Replaces the error page with a more stylish appearance with additional features.

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4 位用户

YouTube Video Player Pop Out

YouTube Video Player Pop Out lets you pop out YouTube videos so that you can watch YouTube videos while you surf.

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4 位用户

FLST (Firefox 4+) 需要重开

Provides Focus Last Selected Tab and Tab flipping functionality (based on the FLST extensions by Gorgias and Gozer, but ported to Firefox 4/.../56 and repaired Tab flipping functionality). Enjoy!

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4 位用户