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China Flag

作者: Mozilla

今日用户 201 名

Flag Philippines

作者: Mozilla

今日用户 108 名

Flag India

作者: Mozilla

今日用户 107 名



Very Nice

评分5星,满分5星Firefox 用户 96fb20 发表于 April 11, 2017

You can't be too creative when it is about a nation's flag. You have to actually keep up with the real flag's design; so the way it's done this theme - no way to be used as a Romanian flag. It is just a colorful theme - nothing else.

评分1星,满分5星liana3001 发表于 June 30, 2014

Ok, i wanted to use this but its impossible. Who made this put that red bar there and u cant see anything good. I have roomy toolbar and lots of bookmarks and cuz of that red band before the actual flag u cant read anything.If anyone check this this please make it right. Give another less powerful color or better try and put some good taste in this lol. This is like pissing on a nation flag here. Or do-it good or just forget it and don't put it there in the first place. thx

评分1星,满分5星Carp 发表于 June 18, 2014

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