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Tên Scott
Địa điểm Perth, AU
Người dùng kể từ Tháng sáu 4, 2007
Số tiện ích được phát triển 0 add-ons
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Đánh giá Của tôi

Dorando keyconfig

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

For years I have had tabgroup helper overriding lastpass (alt+G) binding now finally I can disable it.
Thank you for solving yet another feature Firefox really needed. All developers should allow you to choose or disable key bindings their addons create. I am surprised there are not more conflicts. This add on is going in my must install collection!

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2016.2). 

Key config

Rated 4 out of 5 stars

Only 42 items can be assigned shortcuts. No option to add shortcut to "show bookmark toolbar"

Doctor Who - Tardis

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Good work. Nice if your looking for a dark color theme.


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

There is nothing more annoying than news and review sites that split a few paragraphs of the article per page then create a series of linked pages (eg let's say page 1,2 ,3 ... of 11) filled with rubbish adverts or padding you don't need. If you want to save all the article as one page keeping as much of the original style "re-pagination" with a few other tools can do the job. "re-pagination" will load the other 10 pages appended into the current page tab. An article over 11 pages is now one page tab. Once you have this you can then use other ad-dons like "hacktheweb" to remove text and images not needed (like heading and footings repeated 11 times). Finish of your composition with "print Edit" or "UnMHT" to give you a PDF or MHT file with the content you desire.

Not all linked pages are detected but if your lucky it will work with the page you want. For example this review page is "page 1 of 2" but trying "re-pagination" on the "> >" link does not work. A "" search that has muliple pages does work with re-pagination.

I found that some sites generate "doc.getElementByTagName is not a function" message once for each appending (10 pages = 10 pop up alerts). It is annoying but the appending is still successful. An example that gives this message is a search. On some sites each page append may take up to 10 secs, and there is no "page is loading indicator" during the appending so make sure you give "re-pagination" enough time before giving up.

Tested FFX 25.0.1 + Win XP.

As is it is still highly recommended as I have found nothing else that provides this feature.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2013.03.18.1-signed).  This user has a previous review of this add-on.


Rated 2 out of 5 stars

I was able use this for a firefox 6.x (partially worked). Tested this addon with "enhanced findbar" on FFX 25.0.1 but it broke "find next" (F3 shortcut), so sadly retiring this addon now.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (0.13.6). 

Wikipedia-roll (search add-on)

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I too will not install add-on that the author can't describe in layperson terms.

I found this link :

<a href="">wiki-roll</a>

which MAY be the same thing that this ad-don does. So I guess this ad-don scans the wiki page and for the starting paragraphs and by each wiki section grouping to create a visual representation of the links in that section.

Am I right? If so how does this helps with research? If not then what does it do?

Untested and rated poor for documentation.


Rated 4 out of 5 stars

awesome - I can't believe I lived without this for so long. I find this useful on web review sites that split an article over several pages so they can have extra adverts. Now when I want to save the article it is one files with all the pages - very cool.

Đánh giá này là cho một phiên bản trước của tiện ích (2006.4.5).