
Account Colors Потрібен перезапуск

Associates user-defined colors with POP3/IMAP accounts and identities. Applies these colors to accounts, identities, folders, message list, message headers and compose headers. Users will always know which accounts/identities they are working with.

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3 521 користувач

Teamworkx Thunderbird Integration for Jira Потрібен перезапуск

This is a add-on for Thunderbird as well as Seamonkey which is able to create Atlassian Jira issues out of e-mails or add the content of an e-mail as a comment on an Jira issue.

Оцінка 4 з 5 зірок (15)
38 користувачів

NoComposeAccount Потрібен перезапуск

Have the option of Thunderbird always using the default sender account or a blank account when composing or replying to messages

Оцінка 4 з 5 зірок (16)
117 користувачів