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InspectorWidget 4.38.20150523.1-signed.1-signed Kräver omstart
av Sailfish
Adds toolbar button and context menus for invoking the DOM Inspector (DOMi) for either chrome or content elements.
Om detta tillägg
- Clicking the toolbar button will enable the next mouse click on any chrome or content element to open a DOMi window with it positioned on the parent element in the respective DOM tree.
- As of version 4.38, Holding both the Shift+Ctrl keys and clicking any element will also open a DOMi window with it positioned on the parent element in the respective DOM tree.
- Context-clicking the IW toolbar button (or clicking the IW dropmarker) will present a menu of all open chrome windows and dialog panels. Selecting a menu will immediately bring the selected window/dialog to the front thus allowing easy and quick access to clicking the element of interest.
- Context-clicking the content area will present two options to allow inspection of a page and, if relevant, the inspection of an individual frame.