
Om mig

Namn BTJustice
Användare sedan jan 10, 2010
Antal tillägg utvecklade 0 tillägg
Genomsnittliga betyg för utvecklarens tillägg Inte betygsatt än

Mina recensioner


Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Here is the code I am currently using. It looks GREAT!!! < > replaced with ( ) so it is shown here...

(hr color="#000000" size="1")
(font color="#000000" face="Tahoma" size="2")
(b)Subject:(/b) %subject%(br)
(b)Sent:(/b) %datelocal% %date_tz%(br)
(b)From:(/b) %from%(br)
(b)To:(/b) %to%{(br)
(b)Cc:(/b) %cc%}(/font)

Denna användare har 7 tidigare recensioner för detta tillägg.


Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor

The %a% flag shows only today when used in replying/forwarding. I can reply to a message sent Mon, 3/15/2010 and the reply/forward header says it was sent Thu, 3/15/2010 (Thu, being the day this post was created).

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.5.5).  Denna användare har andra recensioner för detta tillägg.


Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

1) I can confirm the bug Alexander FX mentioned on February 8, 2010.

2) If I get a message (for example) from "Blow, Joe" , the reply/forward header puts it as "Blow, Joe (the second \" is missing).

3) If the Subject has a ? in it (this may also be true of other characters), they are removed in the reply/forward header.

4) If I get an e-mail I want to forward but it is attached in a series of forwards and I have to go through a bunch of attachments to get to the message I want to forward, the reply/forward header doesn't work.

5) The author of this extension should have an e-mail address so people can report bugs.

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.5.2).  Denna användare har andra recensioner för detta tillägg.


Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Just wanted to share the code I am currently using for both REPLIES and FORWARDS. I don't use anything on the NEW tab. I have all options checked on the REPLY and FORWARD tabs except for "Replace new-line with br".

Be sure to replace the ( ) with < >...

(font face="Tahoma" size="2")(b)Subject:(/b) %subject%(br)
(b)Sent:(/b) %dateshort% %date_tz%(br)
(b)From:(/b) %from%(br)
(b)To:(/b) %to%{(br)
(b)Cc:(/b) %cc%}(/font)(br)

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.5.2).  Denna användare har andra recensioner för detta tillägg.


Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor

In fact, it is the option "Remove the '|' prefix from quote in html mail." that caue this issue. Unchecking the option corrects the issue with inline images not being displayed correctly when replying.

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.2.1). 


Betygsatt 3 utav 5 stjärnor

This is an interesting extension, but it break replies to messages with inline image attachments.

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.2.1). 


Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Thank you for your hard work on this gaby_hy. This extension has been a lifesaver for me. May I suggest a %% wildcard to add the name of the day? Perhaps one for the 3 letter day and one for the full name of the day? Also it would be nice to have the name of the time zone too in another %% wildcard. Three letters would be more than enough.

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.5.1).  Denna användare har andra recensioner för detta tillägg.


Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Is it because this is still in EXPERIMENTAL status that it is not being updated automatically in Thunderbird?

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.4.7).  Denna användare har andra recensioner för detta tillägg.


Betygsatt 5 utav 5 stjärnor

Thanks for your reply to my "January 11, 2010" review here. The new version does support AM/PM. Here is the code I am using which I use on the REPLY and FORWARD tabs with all options checked (I don't use the NEW tab)...

Subject: %subject%
Sent: %dateshort% %date_tz%
From: %from%
To: %to%{
Cc: %cc%}

This gives a very nice header with a date format like this...

Sent: 12/26/2009 12:40:00 AM -0600

This is VERY COOL! If I may make a couple of suggestions to this, would it be possible to have a %% wildcard for the day and timezone so it would like like this...

Sent: Sat, 12/26/2009 12:40:00 AM -0600 CST

I am in the U.S. Central Timezone which is currently on Standard Time. Soon it will be Daylight Savings time so the CST would need to change to CDT.

Would something like that be possible?

Other than that little suggestion, YOU ARE AWESOME for putting this out! I and THOUSANDS of others THANK YOU!

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.4.7).  Denna användare har andra recensioner för detta tillägg.


Betygsatt 4 utav 5 stjärnor

This is BETTER than TB Reset Quote Headers. There is one problem though. When replying or forwarding, the Re: or Fw: or Fwd: used in the original message is removed. Also it would be cool to be able to change the %date% to 12 hour AM/PM.

Denna recension är för en tidigare version av tillägget (0.4.3).