Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader versionshistorik

8 versioner

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Version 1.71.0 468.1 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare

- add experimental support for Piper voices
- add support for OpenAI, Azure custom voices
- merged various fixes from Firefox branch

Version 1.63.2 290.1 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare

- added 'sensitiveDataUpload' permission as required for publishing on Thunderbird Addons store

Version 1.63.0 296.3 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare

- add a fallback voice named "ReadAloud Generic Voice" that should work if no other voices are available

Version 1.59.1 290.4 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare

- add support for Google Neural2 voices
- add GoogleTranslate Javanese and Kannada voices
- dont read lines of repeated symbols (such as dashes)
- dont read URLs
- add Turkish i18n support

Version 1.58.0 287.2 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare

- added Read Aloud button to the MessageDisplay view as well as context menus for easy access
- changed default 'Stop' shortcut key to ALT-SHIFT-P since ALT-O is used by Thunderbird
- automatically add missing punctuations to the ends of lines to ensure proper pauses

Version 1.45.1 268.9 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare

- Now works in Thunderbird 91

Version 1.42.0 260.2 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare

Version 1.40.0 230.6 KiB Fungerar med Thunderbird 60.0 och senare