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I've read all comments and author's responses and agree the author's "intuitive" suggestion of marking links "near" the link itself is ideal since it's very unergonomic to current look.link-hover.link-look.status-repeat style approach compared to look.link-look.status style (no RSI either)...

Author complains about the 'zilla bugs for that approach which some resolved which others I don't understand. Author also mentions security and privacy issues which I couldn't associate with the addon either. Currently instead of this addon I'm using "Stylish" visited-style plus "Link Visitor" mark-bookmarks-visited which in total allows me not to revisit (unless intentional) bookmarked or visited links yet not distinguish in between...

As far as privacy, security and under the hood; I'm also concerned about those too but not to the level of paranoid since after some point resistance is futile and besides there are many workarounds as it comes to programming (though don't know mozilla specifics) to achieve same result. I've seen and using many other addons which overlay on canvas yet not complain over privacy...

Anyways take me for a noob and please explain why the most ergonomic approach can't be implemented currently in simple words???


Though I have not tried, I think that it is possible to put an icon near the link if you are not concerned about privacy. I am concerned about privacy, so I will not implement this method. If you want this, write your own add-on or ask someone to write one.

A good news is that bug 147777 will be fixed in Firefox 4. This means that visited link styling will not be a privacy issue in the future.

Also, bug 130078 will be fixed in Firefox 4, which can probably be used to put an icon near the link without having a privacy issue. Unfortunately I have not had time to investigate this possibility.