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Extension List Dumper stopped working as of FF 30 or so. A fix requiring a change to one line of a JS file in the XPI was posted on Mozillazine. See http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?f=48&t=2831621

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Extension List Dumper stopped working a couple of Nightly releases ago. When you invoke it, the List window appears, but has no content.

If you run Nightly, this is not for you.

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NB: This is broken in current Aurora and Nightly builds. It's installed, but the Dump List button no longer appears inn the Addons Manager tab. (It shows briefly when the tab is rendered, then vanishes.) It works fine in FF 4.01 and 5.0 beta.

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This has been fixed in version 1.15.1: http://www.sogame.cat/eldumper/

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Thank you much for ELD. Firefox 4 broke MR Tech Toolkit, and ELD provides a much needed fill for a gap that left. The right-click option to open the Addons Manager in a new tab is especially useful, and the addon itself reduces the need to access the Tools menu (the Menubar is hidden in my installation.) There's a future expansion I'd love to see, but it's not clear how easy it would be to implement: Extend ELD to handle other forms of Addons. In particular, I'd *love* to be able to dump a list of installed UserStyles. I make extensive use of Jason Barnabe's Stylish extension, to modify web pages and FF itself wih custom CSS, but Stylish provides no way to dump a list of installed styles.If this is a "You *must* be joking! Do you have any idea what would be involved in doing that?" request, I'll understand. But it it *is* doable, I think it would be a good future direction to go. Thanks!

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