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During the add-on starts downloading a file (mp4, webM, flv), i found two files in the directory: an audio file and a video file so i'm wondering if "Complete YouTube Saver" gonna merge these two files when the download is finished or no?

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Yes, when downloading DASH video formats, CYS will download separate audio and video streams then merge them together, but you must have the latest FFmpeg version installed. You can download it from our site here: http://www.completeyoutubesaver.com/Converter.html

Do not try to play the separate files while they are downloading. Wait until the two files merge and then you can play the resulting MP4. If you are still having problems, please contact us at [email protected] with the following information and we will try to help you:

- your operating system, and version
- Firefox version
- FFmpeg version
- the YT video link you are having problems with