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Update review:
Some rules no longer work (autopager fixed + firefox 36) in comparison to the original autopager + Firefox 31 esr. Using autopager lite mode in both configurations.

For example nyaa.se

So to replicate ( I created new profiles to test)
1. Firefox 36 + autopager original installed + autopager orignal disabled
2. switch to "lite mode"
3. go to http://xxx.nyaa.se/ and search for "rules online" in the autopger menu
4. install and enable rule with url pattern ^http://(?:(?:www| sukebei?)\.)?nyaa\.se/

It doesn't work. However, the same steps, with the orignal autopager + firefox 31 esr work. (of course no autopager fixed installed in that case)

The odd thing is that specific site and other problematic sites work in "normal" mode though. The lite mode is not working correctly selectively on that site and other sites.

Рейтинг 5 из 5 звёзд

It works, but like you said the web archive is kaput for a while. Hope it is not abandonware, but hey I can't complain for now. The closest alternative autopagerize, isn't as powerful and it works only in the whitelist model(tries to autopager everything) so I will continue to use Autopager until I can no longer.